Saturday, March 30, 2013

Doctor What? (Title added on Sunday!)

Saturday blog written when it's supposed to be. Sorry to all my loyal readers who follow my every word with diligence for the missing post yesterday! Hopefully the double dose today makes up for it! 

Today was a "sleeping in" day. I think I made it until about 7:30 AM! As I said earlier, Malia and I stayed up and watched several episodes of Game of Thrones. Pretty good show. I still haven't read all the books. That is on my summer reading list. I bought the books a few years ago, but haven't even gotten half-way through the first book!

Planted strawberry bushes, tore out a dying tree, and hacked down the Russian Sage. All that before noon. After that is was a day of doing laundry. 

A lot of the laundry this week was my old t-shirts that didn't fit. I've been trying a few of them on for the past few weeks hoping that they would fit. No luck, until today! I ended up trying on all of my t-shirts, which if you know me, is a LOT of shirts. I was able to get back into all of them except for 9. There were about 6 shirts that I am "retiring" due to stains, outdated themes, or the like. I was pretty excited about that, since I have been hoping to get back into them by the time summer starts.

With the shirts fitting, I am now noticing I am really going to need pants and shorts soon! The pair of shorts I was wearing today used to be very snug. Now, without a belt they just fall off. Very good!

The weight was down to 225.6 today. Hopefully that will carry over to next week. Almost to to the 30 lbs lost mark. Maybe that will be tomorrow? Doubt it, but who knows?

So, today the new season of Doctor Who started today. I haven't watched it yet, but hope to get to it by tomorrow night! Tonight we get to see more of his new Companion, Clara. So, it's kind of cool that I end this week with this topic. I really didn't have this planned, it was just sort of fortuitous that these two events lined up, just like earlier in the week when I wrote about Rose on the day of her first appearance!

First up is Amelia Pond.

Young Amelia

This is the first version of Amelia that we meet. The Doctor happens to crash the TARDIS into her yard, and she comes out to find him. After feeding him a variety of foods, he runs out and tells her he will be right back.

The next time we meet Amelia Pond is when she looks like this:


Oops! Right back is a relative term to a Time Lord, I guess. Amy waited years for him to return and when he did, she joined him on many adventures. I really liked Amy as a Companion. I would say she was the best of all. Besides the fact that she is a redhead with a Scottish accent (redhead with an accent? Weak in the knees!), she is a really good actress. She brought a lot to the show.

Joining Amy as a Companion was her boyfriend/husband/ex-husband (various relationships over the run of the show), Rory Williams.

At first I wasn't sure how Rory would fit into the show, but they did some really cool stuff with him, including making him REALLY old. I liked Rory as well.

Appearing along side off and on was this lady:

River Song

River has a very complicated relationship with The Doctor. She is also a time traveler, and she and The Doctor are living their lives together, but not in the correct order. Sometimes he will run into her and she will know things about him that he doesn't. Other times, it's vice versa. Occasionally, their timelines will sync up correctly. It's a very fun and interesting dynamic. By the end of the season, we get the whole story and it puts a lot of things together. Plus, her connection to Rory and Amy is an integral part of the story as well!

Towards the end of last season, we meet Clara. 

Clara looks to be an interesting character. We first meet her as the lone survivor of a spaceliner crash in some future time, only to find out, she's not all that she seems. We then meet her as a nanny for some rich kids in Victorian England. At first, I thought, "Seriously? Can't we get a different actress?" Then it dawns on me..."Ah ha. She is going to play a continuing role!" Very cool! I can't wait to see how this one plays out over the next eight episodes! 

That's it for Doctor Who Week. Hopefully you enjoyed it! 

Food Diary for Saturday the 30th of March:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs, over easy, fried in butter
                3 slices of Bacon
                10 oz of coffee w/ KAL Pure Stevia Extract

AM Snack: 1 beef stick
Lunch:  2 Salmon Patties
            Big Ol' Salad w/ blood orange and dark chocolate balsamic vinaigrette

PM Snack: 10 Macadamias
                  10 oz of Iced coffee w/KAL Pure Stevia Extract

Dinner:  Chicken and Broccolli Alfredo
             2 squares of Lindt 90% Cacao Bar

Water: About 70 oz

Sleep: about 6 hours of sleep

Exercise: Walked dog for 40 minutes

Alright everyone, I'm out! Have a great day!

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