Sunday, March 17, 2013

Don't Panic!

Happy Sunday! Hopefully you had a great day today. Mine was pretty easy. Got the oldest boy's school work done. Did some more work for myself. Did laundry. Finished the Primal Blueprint book while enjoying the beautiful weather outside. Even went outside topless! Luckily no photos have shown up online yet!

I was sitting in bed under the covers to get warm because the house was nice and cool, when I decided, "Hey, there is a nice warm day outside. You want to get warm? Pull up a chair and sit on the deck and read!" So I did. I stayed outside and exposed as much of myself to the sun as I could for 30 minutes. I put sunscreen on my head since it was already burned, but otherwise, I let the sunshine down on me! It felt good! After the 30 minutes, I pulled my shirt back on and sat outside for another 10 minutes or so and then came back inside. All in all, it was good. Mark Sisson (author of Primal Blueprint) recommends 30 minutes of time in the sun everyday for that boost of vitamin D. Not sure if I am going to be able to get that everyday, but it's worth a shot.

I survived a second fasting day as you can tell. I was worried, because my stomach was growling something fierce last night before I fell asleep and I was sure I was going to wake up starving. No problem. Woke up, had a big ol glass of water and went about my day. It was easier than I had expected. Made it all the way until dinner time without eating, and felt no adverse effects.

My weight liked it, too. By the time I ate dinner, I clocked in at 229.4 pounds! So, hopefully the 230's are behind me. I have a feeling I will see them once or twice this week, but should be a thing of the past by the end of the week! And if not...

I'm feeling pretty good about being 220 by the time I go to Disneyland now! Around 20 days to lose 10 pounds. I think that's do-able. We shall see!

This concludes my Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy week! Hopefully you enjoyed it. I think I will do a Hobbit theme this week in honor of the movie being released on disc on Tuesday. I am refraining from buying the disk until the extended version comes out later this year.

Food Diary for Sunday 17th of March

Breakfast: Nothing

AM Snack: Nothing

Lunch: Nothing

PM Snack: Nothing

Dinner: Corned Beef (boiled) and Cabbage (roasted, with olive oil, salt, pepper, and bacon)
            Big Ol' Salad w/ Balsamic and Olive Oil
            1 square of Lindt 90% Cacao Bar

Water: about 80 oz

Sleep: 8 hours

Exercise: Nothing today (should have done something, but didn't feel like it. And that's okay!)

Until next time!

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