Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, Monday

Another Monday in the books.

Started off we me and the oldest boy in the doctor's office. Me with a wonky elbow and him with a wonky knee. Tennis elbow for me, "tennis knee" for him. Ice and Naproxen for both of us. If his doesn't get better, it's physical therapy. If mine doesn't get better? Cortisone shot.

Personally, I am a big fan of Cortisone shots. Had one about 5 years ago that drastically changed my health and well being. (Thanks Dr. McClish!) Hopefully, it won't come to that, but if it does, so be it.

Then it was off to work where I boxed up my classroom. 5 boxes with of books and files. Not much really. Kind of sad and pathetic, really. Oh well. It didn't take long.

Planted two more butterfly bushes, hung 12 bird feeders, and helped bury 3 terra cotta pots for reptile homes. All in all a good day!

Meeting after school that didn't get much out of, except hints about what I am doing next year. Looks like probably the same thing as this year. I'm mostly cool with that. It's a lot of kids, but oh well. I've got a sweet job!

Picked up my new brace for my elbow and the prescriptions and rushed home to make dinner. Zucchini Pizza Boats. Turned out pretty good, actually! Got dinner for tomorrow night started. Pastrami Salmon (Salmon in a pastrami like brine). Should be interesting.

Schoolwork done with the boy. His school year is just about over. He has about 8 more assignments due by 5/29. I think he'll get them done! Then it's figuring out how to keep him busy until the rest of us are out of school on 6/6.

Food Diary for Monday the 20th of May

Breakfast: 2 eggs, over easy, fried in Kerrygold Butter
                 2 slices of Canadian Bacon
                12.5 oz of Coffee with Kal Stevia Sweetener

AM Snack: Nothing
Lunch: Nothing

PM Snack: 10 Macadamias
                  2 squares of Lindt 88% Cacao Bar

Zucchini Pizza Boats 

Water: About 50 oz

Sleep: about 6 hours of sleep

Exercise: Normal walking around
               Light Gardening

Hopefully you had a great day.

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