Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Malia and I started watching Lost about a year ago. I know, I know. Very late to the party, but TV was not a big priority the past few years! We started with the first episode and watched every single one in order. Thank you Netflix! By the time season 5 was released on DVD, we had seen all the way through season 4. So, when season 6 started, we were all caught up.

Time travel, polar bears, pressing buttons, smoke monsters, you name it this show had everything! Now that the show is one episode away from being over I can say I honestly enjoyed it. I wasn't sure where it was going, but I like where its ended up.

(Spoiler Space)

If you are in to the TV show Lost, and have not seen the next to last episode, go watch that before you read any further!

Go! I can wait.

Commercials? Really?

Ok, finished? Good.

At this point, I find it ironic that in one timeline, Jack is trying to help Locke, while in the other, he is trying to stop him. I was not surprised to see Ben turn on the others. He is one messed up little man!

However, I was sure that Hurley was going to be the one to take over for Jacob. Maybe he still will, but for now...Jack it is.

I can't wait to see how they resolve both timelines. Will there be a convergence? Will people who live in one timeline die in the other? Will Jack stop Locke and save him? What is Jacob's brother's name?!?!

I have a feeling not every question will be answered, but I look forward to finding out!

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