Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sadly enough...

I have stayed away from politics for many months. But, when I saw this, I knew I had to post it here.

I love Jon Stewart.

Not John Stewart:

But Jon Stewart:

I also was once proud to say I voted for Barack Obama. But as time has gone on and he shows as little respect for our nations' laws as did our former president...well, let's just say I am not feeling as good as I once did. This video tells a lot:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Respect My Authoritah
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Now, to be fair he is WAAAYYY better than the other choice at the time. Grandpa McCain and the Former (not quite 1 term) Governor of Alaska would have been even more disastrous for our country, but to be honest I am very sad that Obama has turned out to be almost useless in many regards.

So, as I said before...I am still waiting for the adults to take over and run the country properly.


John said...

Toldya to vote for Hillary, but nooooo...

Chad said...

Sigh...if I had really gone with my gut, I would have gone for Kucinich!