Friday, June 18, 2010

Psyched out

Ok, so have you ever gotten so excited about something that you totally psych yourself out?

Today I had an interview for the job I really wanted, Dean of Students at Mendive Middle School.

Last night I couldn't sleep because I was so worked up. I had researched the school a little and was playing out scenarios in my head as to how the interview would go. I was ready.

Woke up early this morning because I had a dream about how the interview would go.

Picked out the perfect interview clothes; purple shirt, purple, black, silver and blue tie, gray pants. I thought I was being clever, since those are the school colors!

I was ready to go when I realized I had not printed the files I wanted to take to give to the committee. So, I mad dash print everything out, staple them, and stuff them in a folder and rush out the door at 9. I wanted to leave at 8:45-8:50 to give myself enough time to be there by 9:15 for my 9:35 appointment. As it was I got there at 9:20 and had plenty of time to get ready.

First feeling of dread when I walk in is discovering that they are running a bit behind and I will need to wait a bit longer. Second feeling comes when I notice the other guy in the room dressed almost exactly like me. It was funny, but also made me feel like maybe I was trying too hard!

I get the question sheet to fill out while I wait. It was very similar to the one I filled out for the O'Brien Dean job, so I felt good about that. However, filling that out reminded me of the reasons I didn't get the job last time; not enough experience, and the need to balance out the male-ness in the office by having a female dean.

In walks feeling of dread number 3. A female teacher from Mendive who is also trying out for the job. It's tough to go against an insider who is well liked, and the way everyone in the office talked to her, she seemed to be in good standing!

By the time I got called to come back, I was feeling very unsure and I had a bad case of cotton mouth. The AP passed out bottles of water to the committee, but didn't hand one to me (even though he set two down between Scott and me. There was no mention of giving it to me, so I didn't take it!)

The question phase is a blur to me now. Scott did his best to coach me through it, but the other interviewers were all stone faced the entire time except for one teacher who actually made eye contact and smiled and nodded a couple times. It was very unnerving however to have the AP looking at me the whole time and not making any facial expressions at all.

I ended with asking a question and then handing out the letters of recommendation from Scott, Jim, and our Dean. Scott's was unsigned and I made a weak attempt at a joke about it. He played along and said he had no idea who wrote that letter. The feel in the room relaxed a little, but by then, the interview was over and I was walking out the door.


Interviews are never easy and you can never tell how it is going to turn out. Do I think I have a good chance at the job? Maybe. It depends on how badly Scott wants me there. He knows what I can do and has spoken highly of my skills, but until I get the call next week, I will probably be a wreck!

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