Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Rose by any other name...

So, how's by you? Good enough here, I suppose!

Today was an interesting day. Wasn't able to accomplish as much as I wanted, but I guess it will have to do. Hard to teach students who aren't there!

Day 3 of Doctor Who thoughts revolves around the 9th Doctor's Companions. We'll start with the obvious one for whom this post is titled.

Rose Tyler as played by Billie Piper

At first, I thought Rose was going to be a waste. Her acting seemed really forced to me. She didn't seem to have much chemistry with The Doctor and I wasn't sure what she was going to do. By the second season, I was really impressed with how much she had grown into the role and how much I had grown to like the character. She was funny, smart, brave, everything The Doctor's Companion should be.

Along the way, they picked up this guy:

Adam Mitchell as played by Bruno Langley

I wouldn't call him a true "companion" for The Doctor. He was around for 2 episodes and dumped back in his home time by The Doctor with basically a "Lose my number." kind of goodbye. Apparently, the plan was for him to show the opposite of what a true companion should be. For that, he did a good job.

The third and final Companion for the 9th Doctor was:

Captain Jack Harkness played by John Barrowman

I liked Jack almost immediately, and as his character developed, I began to like him even more. He was a crazy, fun counterpoint to The Doctor. I have yet to watch the show he starred in, Torchwood, but I've got it saved on the Netflix queue. I'll have to start watching that one after I finish catching up with Warehouse 13 and Farscape (I've tried countless times to get into this show. I've heard it gets better as the series progresses, but I have trouble making it out of the first season.).

Tomorrow, I'll talk about my favorite Doctor, number 10.

Today we took Marc out for his birthday dinner even though his birthday isn't until tomorrow. Wednesdays are such crazy days, that there is no way we would get a birthday dinner in. His choice of restaurants was Olive Garden. Sigh...

I spent some time researching options for meals. I could have the salmon with veggies, the mixed skewers with veggies, or the steak with veggies. However, none of these sounded right. I then read something about getting the Chicken Alfredo served over broccoli. So, that's what I went with. Not sure if it was Paleo/Primal or not, but it was so good, I don't care. I know I can make it Primal at home, so this may be something I start adding to the rotation of meals. So good!

Weight was up again today, 228.6 lbs. The trend is still down, so all good. I just wish it would keep going down, instead of the peaks and valleys! Here is a picture of what has been going on. Some of the early information is outdated, so ignore the  numbers before 02/05. I didn't change the settings for my starting weight from 251 to 254 and it wouldn't let me go back and retroactively change the starting weight. Of course, my highest weight was 260, so that's not even listed. Why would I list my heaviest weight when I wasn't trying to lose? 

This chart fills me with all sorts of happy.

I think I'm going to post a photo expo of my weight next week. Should be interesting. I also think I will add this graph every couple of weeks to make it visual!

Food Diary for Tuesday the 26th of March:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs, over easy, fried in butter
                2 slices of Canadian Bacon
                10 oz of coffee w/ KAL Pure Stevia Extract

AM Snack: 5 green beans
                  5 macadamias
Lunch:  Leftover Pork Pot Roast from last week
            Roasted Radishes

PM Snack: 10 Macadamias
                  1 square of Endangered Species 88% Cacao
                  2 servings of uncured Pepperoni

Dinner: Chicken Alfredo over Broccoli instead of Pasta
           Garden Dinner Salad
           2 squares of Lindt 90% Cacao
Water: About 70 oz

Sleep: about 6 hours of sleep

Exercise: Normal walking around (Didn't get to the bike before Malia went to sleep, drat!)

Until next time, be good to yourself!

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