Well, the interview was on Monday. It seemed to go well, and a lot of people are putting in a good word for me. Hopefully I get the job! I thought I had some really good answers, even if the questions didn't really match up with the type of job I put in for. I felt really good after I left and hopefully I made the impression I needed to. The principal said she will let everyone know tomorrow.
Going to be frustrating if I don't since my third choice for dean job was also filled this week!
Off to camp tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
NoTimeToBlog Blog
Phew...vacation started with a bang and will not be letting up until July 11th.
Wednesday started Cub Scout Day Camp. I was in charge of the water slide again this year. Sounds fun, and it actually is for the most part. Most of the kids are really good, but others...not so much. The hardest part was making sure no one got hurt on the tarp under the slide. Got that all worked out by Friday.
Thursday was also another day of Day Camp, but before that we went to Home Depot to get supplies to start the second raised bed garden. 90 retaining wall bricks, 10 bags of 1 cubic foot of soil, 2 trees, and a shed for the boys bikes and outside toys later. Rented the truck and got it all unloaded and returned to HD in 2 1/2 hours. Luckily the guy only charged us the 75 minute fee! Nice of him I thought.
Friday started off with working in the yard getting all the projects going, then over to Caughlin Ranch for Marc's Camp Invention Showcase. He made some neat things, but to be honest, it seemed a bit overpriced for what amounts to a bunch of Styrofoam, cardboard, and old electronic parts. Finished at Day Camp and got home around 10.
Saturday...more work in the yard, yet nothing is completed. Then off to the grocery store to pick up food for the week and back in time to get dinner started for us and the Thaxtons. Everything came out pretty good, but I think the Baked Mac and Cheese was the favorite!
Sunday...back to Home Depot, not once but twice to get more soil. Hopefully I got enough. Needed more bricks as well. Now I need to break on of the bricks into 2 pieces to finish the wall. Wish me luck! Laundry to do tonight as well.
Tomorrow is the big interview, then more shopping to get ready for Family Camp on Wednesday-Saturday morning. Then back home until Sunday morning when we get up and head to South Dakota until the 10th. Then on the 11th Malia drives down to Vegas for 2 weeks. She gets home just in time for the boys to go back to school.
Should be interesting to see if I am still sane by the end of July. Because then...we finish working the inside of the house. New paint, new flooring in the master bathroom, and maybe a new shower and counter top as well. Going to have to take a look at finances, but we have avoided doing work in the house, and it is starting to look rundown.
Wednesday started Cub Scout Day Camp. I was in charge of the water slide again this year. Sounds fun, and it actually is for the most part. Most of the kids are really good, but others...not so much. The hardest part was making sure no one got hurt on the tarp under the slide. Got that all worked out by Friday.
Thursday was also another day of Day Camp, but before that we went to Home Depot to get supplies to start the second raised bed garden. 90 retaining wall bricks, 10 bags of 1 cubic foot of soil, 2 trees, and a shed for the boys bikes and outside toys later. Rented the truck and got it all unloaded and returned to HD in 2 1/2 hours. Luckily the guy only charged us the 75 minute fee! Nice of him I thought.
Friday started off with working in the yard getting all the projects going, then over to Caughlin Ranch for Marc's Camp Invention Showcase. He made some neat things, but to be honest, it seemed a bit overpriced for what amounts to a bunch of Styrofoam, cardboard, and old electronic parts. Finished at Day Camp and got home around 10.
Saturday...more work in the yard, yet nothing is completed. Then off to the grocery store to pick up food for the week and back in time to get dinner started for us and the Thaxtons. Everything came out pretty good, but I think the Baked Mac and Cheese was the favorite!
Sunday...back to Home Depot, not once but twice to get more soil. Hopefully I got enough. Needed more bricks as well. Now I need to break on of the bricks into 2 pieces to finish the wall. Wish me luck! Laundry to do tonight as well.
Tomorrow is the big interview, then more shopping to get ready for Family Camp on Wednesday-Saturday morning. Then back home until Sunday morning when we get up and head to South Dakota until the 10th. Then on the 11th Malia drives down to Vegas for 2 weeks. She gets home just in time for the boys to go back to school.
Should be interesting to see if I am still sane by the end of July. Because then...we finish working the inside of the house. New paint, new flooring in the master bathroom, and maybe a new shower and counter top as well. Going to have to take a look at finances, but we have avoided doing work in the house, and it is starting to look rundown.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Didn't get the dean job at Mendive. I was 1st runner-up again. Dang. Apparently the committee ranked me 2nd across the board, even ahead of someone who had been an assistant principal.
I just didn't have the one crucial experience the committee based their need on; someone who knew the school already. Remember my earlier post about feeling of dread number 3? Well, that's who got the job.
Being #2 is better than #3, but it doesn't make the disappointment feel any better.
So...dust myself off...pick up the pieces, and begin to plan for the next interview on Monday out at Cold Springs. Depending upon who and how many people are on the committee, it could be interesting. Scott really spoke highly of me to the principal there, and I've known the former Dean for many years.
Didn't get the dean job at Mendive. I was 1st runner-up again. Dang. Apparently the committee ranked me 2nd across the board, even ahead of someone who had been an assistant principal.
I just didn't have the one crucial experience the committee based their need on; someone who knew the school already. Remember my earlier post about feeling of dread number 3? Well, that's who got the job.
Being #2 is better than #3, but it doesn't make the disappointment feel any better.
So...dust myself off...pick up the pieces, and begin to plan for the next interview on Monday out at Cold Springs. Depending upon who and how many people are on the committee, it could be interesting. Scott really spoke highly of me to the principal there, and I've known the former Dean for many years.
Maybe soon?
I emailed Scott today. He hopes to call tonight with news on the dean job. Hopefully it is good news!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday Random
1) Both boys enjoyed their camps yesterday and can't wait to go back today.
2) Updated the Nancy Gomes School website. Didn't take that much time and made a good chunk of change for doing it!
3) Still having fun with the iPod. Watched the latest Cinematic Titanic release on it this morning after I woke up from a dream.
4) The dream was telling me why I have an interview next Monday at Cold Springs Middle School. In my dream, I came to the realization that I didn't get the Mendive job.
5) Should hear today whether I got the Mendive job. Crossing fingers!
6) Off to Carson City so Malia can renew her teaching license.
2) Updated the Nancy Gomes School website. Didn't take that much time and made a good chunk of change for doing it!
3) Still having fun with the iPod. Watched the latest Cinematic Titanic release on it this morning after I woke up from a dream.
4) The dream was telling me why I have an interview next Monday at Cold Springs Middle School. In my dream, I came to the realization that I didn't get the Mendive job.
5) Should hear today whether I got the Mendive job. Crossing fingers!
6) Off to Carson City so Malia can renew her teaching license.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Very fun!
Ok, spent most of yesterday playing with my iPod Touch. It is a pretty fun gizmo! I added a bunch of apps (some silly, some serious, some fun, some...just 'cause!). Best free game ap so far is Tilt to Live. Fun game!
Added about 90 songs and about 12 movies. Watched Up. Not really going to be the preferred way to watch movies, but should be good for times when I need something to do!
Added about 90 songs and about 12 movies. Watched Up. Not really going to be the preferred way to watch movies, but should be good for times when I need something to do!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
IPod blogging
Thanks to Malia and da boyz for the iPod touch! You all are the best!
First post with the new toy!
First post with the new toy!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Father's Day
Tomorrow is Father's Day. I hope it's a good day for me. I didn't get the present I wanted, but no biggie. I'm getting something pretty cool that I will most likely use a lot.
It's not going to be that easy though.
It's been 3 years now since Dad passed away. So in his honor...
Browns Schedule.
Looks like they play the Packers the first week in pre-season this year. The first game they play on TV that I get to see this year, I will break out the Old Dawg jersey and the Browns Chip and Dip Helmet and watch with the boys.

Love and miss ya, Dad!
It's not going to be that easy though.
It's been 3 years now since Dad passed away. So in his honor...
Browns Schedule.
Looks like they play the Packers the first week in pre-season this year. The first game they play on TV that I get to see this year, I will break out the Old Dawg jersey and the Browns Chip and Dip Helmet and watch with the boys.
Love and miss ya, Dad!
"It stinks!"
Pulling weeds that is!
Spent several hours this morning pulling weeds and another hour tonight. Yard looks much better. Wish we could find a permanent solution to the problem like our neighbors. They have just a dirt yard, but I never see weeds out there! They must have chemically altered the soil or something!
Spent several hours this morning pulling weeds and another hour tonight. Yard looks much better. Wish we could find a permanent solution to the problem like our neighbors. They have just a dirt yard, but I never see weeds out there! They must have chemically altered the soil or something!
DC Universe Online
This is the game I am waiting for. Looks like November is the release date! Can not wait!
DC Universe Online
DC Universe Online
Wreckage Confirmed
Can't sleep? Check.
Up early? Check.
Short temper? Check.
Bad food choices? Check.
Jumping up every time the phone rings? Check.
Is it Tuesday yet?
Up early? Check.
Short temper? Check.
Bad food choices? Check.
Jumping up every time the phone rings? Check.
Is it Tuesday yet?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Psyched out
Ok, so have you ever gotten so excited about something that you totally psych yourself out?
Today I had an interview for the job I really wanted, Dean of Students at Mendive Middle School.
Last night I couldn't sleep because I was so worked up. I had researched the school a little and was playing out scenarios in my head as to how the interview would go. I was ready.
Woke up early this morning because I had a dream about how the interview would go.
Picked out the perfect interview clothes; purple shirt, purple, black, silver and blue tie, gray pants. I thought I was being clever, since those are the school colors!
I was ready to go when I realized I had not printed the files I wanted to take to give to the committee. So, I mad dash print everything out, staple them, and stuff them in a folder and rush out the door at 9. I wanted to leave at 8:45-8:50 to give myself enough time to be there by 9:15 for my 9:35 appointment. As it was I got there at 9:20 and had plenty of time to get ready.
First feeling of dread when I walk in is discovering that they are running a bit behind and I will need to wait a bit longer. Second feeling comes when I notice the other guy in the room dressed almost exactly like me. It was funny, but also made me feel like maybe I was trying too hard!
I get the question sheet to fill out while I wait. It was very similar to the one I filled out for the O'Brien Dean job, so I felt good about that. However, filling that out reminded me of the reasons I didn't get the job last time; not enough experience, and the need to balance out the male-ness in the office by having a female dean.
In walks feeling of dread number 3. A female teacher from Mendive who is also trying out for the job. It's tough to go against an insider who is well liked, and the way everyone in the office talked to her, she seemed to be in good standing!
By the time I got called to come back, I was feeling very unsure and I had a bad case of cotton mouth. The AP passed out bottles of water to the committee, but didn't hand one to me (even though he set two down between Scott and me. There was no mention of giving it to me, so I didn't take it!)
The question phase is a blur to me now. Scott did his best to coach me through it, but the other interviewers were all stone faced the entire time except for one teacher who actually made eye contact and smiled and nodded a couple times. It was very unnerving however to have the AP looking at me the whole time and not making any facial expressions at all.
I ended with asking a question and then handing out the letters of recommendation from Scott, Jim, and our Dean. Scott's was unsigned and I made a weak attempt at a joke about it. He played along and said he had no idea who wrote that letter. The feel in the room relaxed a little, but by then, the interview was over and I was walking out the door.
Interviews are never easy and you can never tell how it is going to turn out. Do I think I have a good chance at the job? Maybe. It depends on how badly Scott wants me there. He knows what I can do and has spoken highly of my skills, but until I get the call next week, I will probably be a wreck!
Today I had an interview for the job I really wanted, Dean of Students at Mendive Middle School.
Last night I couldn't sleep because I was so worked up. I had researched the school a little and was playing out scenarios in my head as to how the interview would go. I was ready.
Woke up early this morning because I had a dream about how the interview would go.
Picked out the perfect interview clothes; purple shirt, purple, black, silver and blue tie, gray pants. I thought I was being clever, since those are the school colors!
I was ready to go when I realized I had not printed the files I wanted to take to give to the committee. So, I mad dash print everything out, staple them, and stuff them in a folder and rush out the door at 9. I wanted to leave at 8:45-8:50 to give myself enough time to be there by 9:15 for my 9:35 appointment. As it was I got there at 9:20 and had plenty of time to get ready.
First feeling of dread when I walk in is discovering that they are running a bit behind and I will need to wait a bit longer. Second feeling comes when I notice the other guy in the room dressed almost exactly like me. It was funny, but also made me feel like maybe I was trying too hard!
I get the question sheet to fill out while I wait. It was very similar to the one I filled out for the O'Brien Dean job, so I felt good about that. However, filling that out reminded me of the reasons I didn't get the job last time; not enough experience, and the need to balance out the male-ness in the office by having a female dean.
In walks feeling of dread number 3. A female teacher from Mendive who is also trying out for the job. It's tough to go against an insider who is well liked, and the way everyone in the office talked to her, she seemed to be in good standing!
By the time I got called to come back, I was feeling very unsure and I had a bad case of cotton mouth. The AP passed out bottles of water to the committee, but didn't hand one to me (even though he set two down between Scott and me. There was no mention of giving it to me, so I didn't take it!)
The question phase is a blur to me now. Scott did his best to coach me through it, but the other interviewers were all stone faced the entire time except for one teacher who actually made eye contact and smiled and nodded a couple times. It was very unnerving however to have the AP looking at me the whole time and not making any facial expressions at all.
I ended with asking a question and then handing out the letters of recommendation from Scott, Jim, and our Dean. Scott's was unsigned and I made a weak attempt at a joke about it. He played along and said he had no idea who wrote that letter. The feel in the room relaxed a little, but by then, the interview was over and I was walking out the door.
Interviews are never easy and you can never tell how it is going to turn out. Do I think I have a good chance at the job? Maybe. It depends on how badly Scott wants me there. He knows what I can do and has spoken highly of my skills, but until I get the call next week, I will probably be a wreck!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wow. Smoked Turkey was a hit with the entire family.
Reviews from everyone:
Noah: Great! Definitely a keeper!
Marc: Awwwwe-some!
Chad: Quite tasty!
Took me about 4 hours to smoke a 10 pound turkey.
It was super moist. I used this brine recipe, as well as some Aussie Rub under the skin on the breast and thighs. Smoked with natural charcoal and apple wood chunks and two containers of apple juice.
Lots of different flavors going on!
Quite tasty indeed!
Reviews from everyone:
Noah: Great! Definitely a keeper!
Marc: Awwwwe-some!
Chad: Quite tasty!
Took me about 4 hours to smoke a 10 pound turkey.
It was super moist. I used this brine recipe, as well as some Aussie Rub under the skin on the breast and thighs. Smoked with natural charcoal and apple wood chunks and two containers of apple juice.
Lots of different flavors going on!
Quite tasty indeed!
Thursday Randomness
1) Cleaned Noah's room today. That was fun. :-/
2) Started cleaning Marc's room. That was even more fun! :-/
3) Smoked a turkey today. Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks!

4) Must remember to put the big sheet of aluminum under the smoker to catch the grease drippings so Malia won't kill me!
5) Interview tomorrow morning. Should be fun!
2) Started cleaning Marc's room. That was even more fun! :-/
3) Smoked a turkey today. Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks!

4) Must remember to put the big sheet of aluminum under the smoker to catch the grease drippings so Malia won't kill me!
5) Interview tomorrow morning. Should be fun!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sadly enough...
I have stayed away from politics for many months. But, when I saw this, I knew I had to post it here.
I love Jon Stewart.
Not John Stewart:
But Jon Stewart:
I also was once proud to say I voted for Barack Obama. But as time has gone on and he shows as little respect for our nations' laws as did our former president...well, let's just say I am not feeling as good as I once did. This video tells a lot:
Now, to be fair he is WAAAYYY better than the other choice at the time. Grandpa McCain and the Former (not quite 1 term) Governor of Alaska would have been even more disastrous for our country, but to be honest I am very sad that Obama has turned out to be almost useless in many regards.
So, as I said before...I am still waiting for the adults to take over and run the country properly.
I love Jon Stewart.
Not John Stewart:

But Jon Stewart:

I also was once proud to say I voted for Barack Obama. But as time has gone on and he shows as little respect for our nations' laws as did our former president...well, let's just say I am not feeling as good as I once did. This video tells a lot:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Respect My Authoritah | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Now, to be fair he is WAAAYYY better than the other choice at the time. Grandpa McCain and the Former (not quite 1 term) Governor of Alaska would have been even more disastrous for our country, but to be honest I am very sad that Obama has turned out to be almost useless in many regards.
So, as I said before...I am still waiting for the adults to take over and run the country properly.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Video of World of Color
After letting the experience sink in a few days I have to say it was still a cool show. Even without any sort of overarching story, the feel is pretty cool. And as the creator of the show said, there is always room to change it and tweak it along the way. Maybe some of the story he talked about will be added later?
Been Awhile...
So, it's been a few days since the last post. So...time for a random.
1) Just moved Malia out of O'Brien and in to Moss. She is very excited, especially since she has talked to her principal. Seems Malia knows a lot of the good buzz words and she and the principal had a great discussion about using tech in her class as well as Malia's use of standards and objectives. Should be a good year for her!
2) I have an interview on Friday at 9:35 for the Dean job at Mendive. This is the job I really want, but the competition looks to be pretty tough. Possibly going up against a former AP.
3)Summer officially starts next week! Woot!
1) Just moved Malia out of O'Brien and in to Moss. She is very excited, especially since she has talked to her principal. Seems Malia knows a lot of the good buzz words and she and the principal had a great discussion about using tech in her class as well as Malia's use of standards and objectives. Should be a good year for her!
2) I have an interview on Friday at 9:35 for the Dean job at Mendive. This is the job I really want, but the competition looks to be pretty tough. Possibly going up against a former AP.
3)Summer officially starts next week! Woot!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
World of Color
OMG! I just watched the World of Color show at Disney California Adventure.
Sadly, I was not actually in the park and only got to watch it from my computer, but WOW! I can not wait to see it live. This show was really cool! The music, water, fire, lasers, etc were just incredible.
It will be awhile I am sure before we go back, but dang...that show has got to even better in person.
Sadly, I was not actually in the park and only got to watch it from my computer, but WOW! I can not wait to see it live. This show was really cool! The music, water, fire, lasers, etc were just incredible.
It will be awhile I am sure before we go back, but dang...that show has got to even better in person.
Monday, June 7, 2010
My Brain Hurts...
Well, headache actually. Been going for about 2 days now. Sleep would be nice as well.
Winding down the school year. Tomorrow I give 2 finals and that is all. Then Wednesday is a short day filled with a slideshow, yearbook signing, and saying goodbye to all the little darlings. Should be fun!
Had to say goodbye to the leadership class today. They are a good group of kids. Hopefully they get a good teacher for next year since I will not be teaching it. Still hoping a dean job opens up this summer for me.
Hope to talk to the big boss man tomorrow about how the year went.
Maybe the headache will be gone tomorrow?
Winding down the school year. Tomorrow I give 2 finals and that is all. Then Wednesday is a short day filled with a slideshow, yearbook signing, and saying goodbye to all the little darlings. Should be fun!
Had to say goodbye to the leadership class today. They are a good group of kids. Hopefully they get a good teacher for next year since I will not be teaching it. Still hoping a dean job opens up this summer for me.
Hope to talk to the big boss man tomorrow about how the year went.
Maybe the headache will be gone tomorrow?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Maybe someday...
No news is good news right?
In other news...Marina field trip with the 8th graders tomorrow. Should be fun! It's supposed to rain! Wahoo!
Next week is finals and then we are done for the year. Hard to believe the first year of middle school is under my belt already. What a great year I had. I can't wait to see what next year brings.
In even more other news...We have our trip planned for the South Dakota Adventure in July. Well, mostly planned. Still need to find a good campground around Custer. Mr. Shane comes home tomorrow so I can talk to him on Saturday to get the details worked out. Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Custer State Park, and Devil's Tower all planned for invasion by the Walter Family. It could be called a close encounter I suppose...
Finally, we are set to do the annual Anniversary Swap with the Thaxtons. Should be fun as always! (We take their kids one weekend, and then they take ours the next. Geeze...some people need to get their heads on straight!)
In other news...Marina field trip with the 8th graders tomorrow. Should be fun! It's supposed to rain! Wahoo!
Next week is finals and then we are done for the year. Hard to believe the first year of middle school is under my belt already. What a great year I had. I can't wait to see what next year brings.
In even more other news...We have our trip planned for the South Dakota Adventure in July. Well, mostly planned. Still need to find a good campground around Custer. Mr. Shane comes home tomorrow so I can talk to him on Saturday to get the details worked out. Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Custer State Park, and Devil's Tower all planned for invasion by the Walter Family. It could be called a close encounter I suppose...
Finally, we are set to do the annual Anniversary Swap with the Thaxtons. Should be fun as always! (We take their kids one weekend, and then they take ours the next. Geeze...some people need to get their heads on straight!)
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