Friday, May 7, 2010


My kids HAD to see Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (Longest movie title ever? Not even close. That goes to: Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh-Eating Subhumanoid Zombified Living Dead, Part 3!)

Malia was cringing throughout most of the movie, but I thought it was pretty good at the time. Action packed, some funny lines, great special effects (especially the water effects with Poseidon), good acting, silly at times. A good Chad-movie ©.

On the advice of my 8 year old, I read the entire Percy Jackson series of books after we saw the movie. After finishing the first book, I was a bit puzzled by the changes that were made in the movie. So many in fact, that it will hamper the future (if any are made) movies. Small changes are to be expected, but when you change the main villain who later in the book series plays a heroic role, you handicap future plans.

The books were good for what they are. A nice introduction to Greek Mythology with a modern day twist. I laughed at the Party Ponies. Cringed at the bad puns. Enjoyed the drama. Guessed who the spy was about half-way through the last book. But it was a nice diversion.

If they make anymore movies, Rip Torn has to play Mr. D. From the moment Mr. D was introduced, I heard Rip's voice. Sadly, I doubt he will be up for playing Dionysus. Maybe a bit too close to home?

Next up for reading? Not sure. May put the books down for a bit and get back to working my way through Seasons 5-6 of MST3K. Next post I will compare Mike and Joel.

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