Sunday, July 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home?

Ok, so I got an email telling me my WoW account had been compromised and I needed to unfreeze it ASAP or I would lose all access to it. Even though I haven't played in 14 months, I figured, I didn't want to lose it, so I read all the steps to recover my account. I didn't click any of the links because... well, I never click a link unless the email is from someone I know. Good thing, because I found out in researching this that it is a scam designed to get you to lose your account.

While relinking my account, I started to get twitchy...I had already started downloading the client because I was still thinking I needed to log in to make sure it was ok. Well, it took awhile, but while I was doing that I got even more twitchy.

So...I reactivated my account and checked it out.

I was home. to figure out how to play it again!

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